Welcome to IFAST Basketball Insiders!

Do you work with middle, high school, and/or collegiate basketball players?

Do you want to learn from trusted experts on topics like program design or coaching?

And do you want to be surrounded by other coaches who are committed to your success?

If so, you NEED to be a part of IFAST Basketball Insiders!

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Our Mission

IBI is going to be THE trusted continuing education resource for high school, collegiate, and private sector strength coaches who work in basketball.  

Built for coaches like YOU, who truly want to help their athletes, but struggle to find high-quality information.  

Unfortunately, these days we're inundated with a bunch of random training information from Instagram and TikTok, but have no clue how to put that into a sound and well-thought out program.  

To combat this, I want IBI to be a trusted resource that’s built on information from real coaches and practitioners.

This will not only help develop high-quality basketball S&C coaches, but by extension, help develop the next generation of basketball players along the way.

What Will I Get Each Month?

There will be 4 key areas to the IFAST Basketball Insiders:

1) Premium, IBI ONLY Content

This will be the starting point every month, where we'll have dedicated content that's 100% specific to training basketball players.

Want to help your athletes jump higher?

Build a quicker first step or faster brakes?

Or simply help them become more resilient and robust?

So whether it's myself or one of my hand-picked and trusted experts, every month you're going to be learning from amazing professionals to help you level up your coaching and program design.

But that's just the starting point! When you become an IFAST Basketball Insider you also get...

2) Access to Curated Basketball Content

Between my articles, podcast and videos over the years, there are 10's (and probably more like 100's) of pieces of content for you to dive into.

Whether it's basketball S&C coaches at the NBA, collegiate or high school level, to interviews with specialists in relevant areas like knee pain, Achilles issues, or just building stronger tendons, having all of this information in one place ALONE could be worth the price of admission.

But what if you have questions?

Or want to bounce ideas off someone else?

That's why we also have

3) Monthly Q&A Calls

As coaches, there's nothing worse than feeling like you're on an island with no one to help you out.

With our monthly Q&A calls, we'll get together to answer any questions you have, brainstorm potential solutions, and help make sure that you're getting the most out of your IBI membership.

And last but not least, you'll also have access to entire IBI community via...

4) The Locker Room

The locker room is an open and ongoing discussion forum where we can talk shop about training, coaching, and rehab.

Or, we can just chop it up about the game and who we think is going to win the NBA finals.

But the bottom line is this - when you join IBI you're going to be surrounded by other successful, open-minded, and motivated coaches who want to level up their game.

Are You Ready to Take YOUR Game to the Next Level?

IFAST Basketball Insider's will open June 1st, and I'd love to have you on the team.

And to really sweeten the deal, I'm going to offer this up...

...the standard rate will be $97 per month to join, but if you're one of the first 50 coaches to sign on, I'm going to knock that down to $77 per month!

I'm a big believer in taking action, so if you're on the IBI Wait List, you'll be the first to know when the site goes live, and the first to take advantage of that 20% monthly discount.

All you have to do right now is get on the wait list, and then be sure to check your email ASAP on June 1st so you can get booked in.

I'm not sure I've been more excited about any project in my life, and if you love basketball and S&C as much as I do, I know you're going to love it as well.

Thanks for reading, love and appreciate you, and make sure to get on that Wait List ASAP!

All the best,

© 2024 IFAST Basketball Insiders