Do You Want to Help Your Basketball Players

Build Strength, Power and Explosiveness...

All While Staying Healthy to Boot?

If so, you need to join IFAST Basketball Insiders TODAY!

My name is Mike Robertson, and if your goal is to build more athletic basketball players, we need to chat.

I’ve been working in the strength and conditioning field for 24 years now, and let me tell you that training hoopers has changed A LOT since I got started.

Back in the day, it wasn’t uncommon to take the football strength program, make a few tweaks, and then give it to the basketball team as well.

After all, every basketball player “just needs to get stronger” - right?

Back then training basketball was more of an afterthought than a priority.

But these days, we know there are better ways to train and develop our athletes.

Ways that can help them jump higher, run faster, and build strength...but also stay healthy and on the court to boot.

So before we go any further, let me ask you a few questions:

  • Do you train basketball players in the weight room?

  • Do you want to learn from trusted strength and conditioning experts about program design, coaching and return to play?

  • And do you want to be surrounded by other coaches who are committed to your success?

If so, you need to hear what IFAST Basketball Insiders is all about...

The IFAST Basketball Insiders


IBI is THE trusted continuing education resource for strength coaches who work with basketball players.  

IBI is built for coaches like YOU. 

Coaches who truly want to help their hoopers, but are maybe struggling to put all the pieces together.

We might be living in the information age - but that can be a blessing and a curse.

What’s often shown as “training information” these days is really just a social media highlight reel.

Exercises and movements that look great on the ‘Gram or TikTok, but that have little - or no - carryover to helping an athlete truly develop.

To combat this, IBI is here to show you what it really takes to build a basketball player from the ground up.

This will not only help develop high-quality basketball S&C coaches, but by extension, the next generation of great basketball players as well.

But how can we help you grow and evolve as a coach?

I think it’s a multi-pronged approach, and it looks something like this...

Content, Membership and Community

Designed and Built For Coaches Like You

If you want to level up your program design and coaching skills, you don’t just need more information.

Instead you need better information and a system to filter it through.

At IFAST Basketball Insiders, you’ll not only have access to high-quality info, but the ability to ask questions and interact with other high-level coaches as well.

Here are the four key ways that IBI is going to help you evolve your program design and coaching...

1) Premium IFAST Basketball Insiders Content

Our premium IBI videos are the starting point every month, where we'll have high-quality content that's 100% specific to training basketball players.

  • Want to help your athletes jump higher?

  • Build a quicker first step or better brakes?

  • Or simply help them become more resilient and robust so they don’t break down over the course of a long competitive season?

Whether it's myself or one of my hand-picked and trusted experts, every month you're going to be learning from amazing professionals to help you level up your coaching and program design.

Here’s an idea of the content you’ll be getting access to each and every month:

  • Basketball specific strength and athletic development programs that you can swipe and deploy with your hoopers IMMEDIATELY.

  • Case studies that show you real programs from real athletes we’ve trained.

  • Return to play protocols and guidelines to help your athletes come back better than ever.

  • Diet and nutrition advice to help your athletes lean out, bulk up, and get their body prepared to play at their highest level.

  • In-depth analyses on the best exercises to use for your basketball players - whether you’re working in a private, small group or team setting.

And while the IBI content alone is going to be worth the price of admission, when you become a member you also get...

2) Access to Curated Basketball Content

Between my articles, podcasts and videos over the years, there is a TON of basketball- specific content that you can start diving into immediately

Here’s just a small sampling of what you can find:

  • Podcasts with basketball S&C coaches from the NBA, collegiate and high-school levels.

  • Videos on program design and coaching of your basketball players.

  • Interviews with trusted experts on relevant topics like knee pain, Achilles issues, or even tendon health.

Having all of this information in one place ALONE will save you a ton of time and energy.

But as I pointed out before, content without CONTEXT is kind of meaningless.

What if you have follow-up questions or concerns?

What if you don’t know how to apply something?

OR what if you just want feedback on that new program or exercise you want to try out?

This is where things really get fun...

3) Monthly Q&A Calls with Mike

As coaches, there's nothing worse than feeling like you're on an island with no one to help you out.

With our monthly Q&A calls, you’ll have direct access to me and my 24 years of experience training basketball players of every shape, size and ability.

In these calls we can troubleshoot, brainstorm, and help make sure that YOU are leveling up each and every month.

And last but not least, you'll also have access to the entire IBI community via...

4) The Locker Room Q&A Forum

The locker room is an open and ongoing discussion forum where we can talk shop about training, coaching, rehab and everything in between.

Or we can just chop it up and talk shop about who we think should be the pre-season #1, or who is going our way-too-soon pick to win the next NBA Championship

The bottom line is this: When you join IBI you're going to be surrounded by other successful, open-minded, and motivated coaches who want to level up their game.

Are You Ready to Take YOUR Game to the Next Level?

IFAST Basketball Insiders is officially open for business, and if I can be direct...I'd love to have you on the team ;-)

Just remember everything you get when you become a member:

☑️ Premium, Insiders Only basketball content that will help you evolve your training,

programming and coaching.

☑️ Curated content, videos and interviews so that you always have something new to learn.

☑️ Monthly Q&A calls with Mike and the community, to help answer your questions

and create solutions to any limitations or roadblocks you’re struggling with. And

☑️ A trusted community of coaches to surround yourself with.

Now the standard rate for IBI is only $97 per month - which I think is an absolute steal, based on everything you’ll have access to...

But since this is a new venture on my end, I want to truly make this an offer you can’t refuse..

...if you sign-up now, I'm going to give you full access to IFAST Basketball Insiders
for 7 days for only $7!

After that, you’ll get the standard $97/month - which is still a heckuva deal, if you ask me.

So what are you waiting for?

If you’re serious about becoming a better strength coach for your basketball players, please get registered at IFAST Basketball Insiders TODAY!

Who is Mike Robertson?

Like many strength coaches, before I got in the weight room I was that kid who just loved to hoop.

I could go out for hours on end working on my game - getting shots up, working on my handle, and getting run whenever I could.

But I was always undersized, and I definitely wasn’t blowing anyone away with my athleticism!

But in between my sophomore and junior years of high school, we got out first weight room - and I absolutely fell in love with the process.

Here I could not only work on my body, but at the same time, build it so that I could be a better hooper on the court.

Even though I was doing the dumbest stuff possible - machine-only strength circuits, sets of 100 reps, benching 3x/week and maxing out every Friday - somehow I still saw progress.

A little bit more zip on those passes.

A little bit more range on my jumper.

But the coolest thing? 

Now I was the one either pushing people around, or blowing by guys with my first step!

At some point I realized playing the game wasn’t in the cards, so I switched gears and started to focus on coaching instead.

I've been in the strength and conditioning game for 24 years now, and every day I'm excited about the fact that I get to help basketball players get the most out of their body.

During that time, I've worked with basketball players at every end of the spectrum - from middle and high school age kids just trying to make the team, to NBA All-Stars and draft picks.

But one of the great things about our profession is that we're always growing and evolving.

There's always new stuff to learn.

So even though I've been doing this for almost a quarter of a century, I'm still learning something new about coaching, program design, and training basketball players every single day.

And I think that’s part of the allure of opening IBI.

Because not only am I going to be creating content, but I’m also going to bring in “hired guns” - people that I want to learn from personally - to make sure that the content for IBI is truly next level.

So if you’re serious about becoming the best coach you can possibly be, I guarantee that IFAST Basketball Insiders will help you do just that.

Testimonials from Coaches and Athletes

Glenn Robinson III

8-Year NBA Vet and NBA Slam Dunk Champion

For nearly a decade, Mike Robertson has been more than just a trainer to me; he's been a transformative force in my athletic journey.

Under his guidance and the umbrella of IFAST, I've experienced remarkable growth in various facets of my performance.  

Mike's expertise in training has been nothing short of phenomenal. His tailored approach not only has helped me gain noticeable speed and weight, but also added over 4 inches to my vertical leap.

With his guidance, I've become more explosive, agile, and versatile on the court. Beyond the physical gains, Mike's focus on lateral quickness and defensive skills has been instrumental in refining my game to fit the modern day NBA. His attention to detail and commitment to technique have elevated my performance to new heights, making me a more well round player.  

One of the most valuable aspects of working with Mike has been his emphasis on overall development. He doesn’t just focus on workouts; he has helped me establish consistent out-of-season and in-season training, and even eating schedules.

This comprehensive approach ensured that I was not only physically prepared, but also mentally sharp and nutritionally fueled to excel in every aspect while avoiding injuries.

Throughout our journey together, Mike has been a constant source of inspiration, motivation and wisdom. His passion for what he does shines through in every session, making each training session personal, challenging and rewarding.

I can confidently say that Mike Robertson and IFast have been pivotal in my athletic development throughout my 8 years in the NBA. If you're looking to unlock your full potential and take your performance to the next level, I wholeheartedly recommend Mike and IFAST.  

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Kelan Martin

NBA Vet and currently with Pinar Karşiyaka

I appreciate everything Mike has done for me, and I feel like my body has made drastic changes over the years we’ve worked together.

When we first connected back in the summer of 2017 I didn’t know what to expect, but every year I’ve learned something new with regards to weight lifting, functional/body movements and what is important, especially for us basketball players.

We don’t realize how much power we are using within our legs, knees, and hips. The stop and goes, changes of directions - it’s a ton of force that’s being used and once we come to you in the off season it’s just a blessing because you can tell what is off about our movement right away.

I would highly recommend athletes come to you in the off season, so they can realize how much of just "lifting weights"isn’t that important, but you also need to be working on functional movements, changes of direction, loading the hips, and pushing off each foot.

People don’t realize that a lot of athletes are used to having heavy loading on one side of our body versus the other, and you do a great job of helping me out with everything,

I always look forward to working with you in the off-seasons because I feel like each year there are improvements, even when I don’t see them instantly, I always see them over time.

Appreciate everything you do my guy!

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Dakota Mathias

NBA and G-League Vet, currently with Ratiopharm Ulm

I’ve been fortunate enough to train with Mike Robertson for over 6 years now and he’s one of the best S&C coaches I’ve ever been around.

Mike has a vast understanding of all things strength and conditioning, but he’s also very knowledgeable about the game of basketball. His ability to incorporate that expertise into programming in the weight room that translates to success on the court is unmatched.

I’ve seen huge strides in my body, speed, and overall movement year over year since I started working with Mike in 2018. Whether it’s wanting to lean out, improve my conditioning, become quicker changing directions or even helping me get back to 100% after an injury, he has a thorough program ready for all of it.

With the detailed exercises at IFAST, I can move so much better through my hips, create more separation coming off of pindowns and DHO’s, and have improved guarding in space and handling closeouts at the professional level.

Mike’s love and understanding of basketball is refreshing to have in an S&C coach. Having that ultimate trust in someone to help me improve and get an edge in the offseason is a great feeling to have walking into IFAST.

I’ve always appreciated Mike’s ability to adapt or modify the program day to day with the demands of being a professional basketball player. The main priority is being healthyand feeling better when you leave the gym than when you walked in.I have consistently trained with Mike 4-5 days a week every offseason for the last 6 years and always leave our sessions feeling better than when I walked in.

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DeAndre Lott

Mike at IFAST is one of the best in the industry. My son had a knee injury his freshman year. Mike was a big part of the rehab, strengthening, and preventative maintenance program to help him get back to 100%.

Mike's knowledge of the body and attention to detail during his training sessions is A1.

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Adam Loiacono

Mike Robertson is a leader in the sports performance and physical preparation industry. His integrative approach and dedication to advancing training methodologies have significantly elevated the standards in our field. Mike’s expertise as a coach lies in his ability to blend evidence-based practices with a deep understanding of individual athlete needs, ensuring optimal performance and injury prevention. 

As a coach, Mike excels in creating tailored programs that not only enhance physical capabilities but also fosters great relationships with his clients. His keen eye for detail and unwavering commitment to his clients' progress set him apart as a true professional. Mike's ability to connect with athletes and understand their unique challenges makes him an invaluable asset in any training environment. 

For anyone looking for an elite coach, Mike is your guy. I can assure you that his guidance will be transformative. His track record speaks for itself—athletes under his mentorship consistently reach new heights in their performance. Working with Mike is an investment in your athletic future.

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What Are You Waiting For?

Get Started TODAY!

While there are plenty of great strength and conditioning courses out there, IFAST Basketball Insiders is the only one that is 100% dedicated to basketball players.

So whether you’re training in a high school, collegiate or professional setting...

...whether you want to train young, developing athletes or high-level pros...

...and whether you’ve been doing this for 2 weeks or 2 decades, IBI is going to help YOU take your game to the next level.

So what are you waiting for?

Get signed up TODAY and join us at IFAST Basketball Insiders.

I can’t wait to see you there!

All the best,

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get with my monthly membership?

When you become a Premium Member of IFAST Basketball Insiders, you get the following:

– Full access to both premium and standard content, 

– Monthly Q&A calls with Mike, and 

– Access to the discussion group..

How do I access the content once I’m a member?

Once you start your subscription, you’ll automatically be redirected to Circle.Once there you’ll create an account and you’ll have full access to all of the premium content and sections.

When are the Q&A calls?

Q&A calls are hosted every 4 weeks on Wednesdays at 1 pm EST.

Are there any additional fees?

Absolutely not! The only fee you’ll have is the monthly subscription. That’s it!

How do I cancel?

If you need to cancel for any reason, you’ll fill out a quick form to notify us. Once that’s completed, all cancellations are typically final in 24-48 hours.

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